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Stocks A to Z / Stocks D / Dollar General (DG)
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Author: palmersq   😊 😞
Number: of 244 
Subject: Re: CEO Todd Vasos
Date: 10/12/2023 11:02 PM
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I try to be simplistic and focus on the downside when I position on falling knives. "The rest takes care of themselves."

I suppose if it's just macro headwind it won't affect the stock trajectory in the long term so it could be a nice buying opportunity. If it is execution related there is a better chance of getting fixed with a seasoned and tested CEO. DG couldn't have been run to the ground over such a short time.

I have been trying to hypothesize there were structural shifts but couldn't come up with any credible angle. Temu and Amazon was occasionally mentioned but it's far fetch. What other structural changes are there that could have eroded DG's moat (or whatever they believe to be their moat) so badly? Gradual but permanent cultural shift in consumer behavior in rural U.S.? What am I missing?

Side question: nothing big, but DLTR was also up 1%+ after market? Pure empathetic reaction?
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