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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Gov. Puppy Killer on the radio
Date: 03/15/2025 9:14 PM
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It's a downright scary that our government would choose to make such an ad.

I don’t see anything scary about the ad.
Secretary Kristi Noem said it straight up and straight out....

“if you are here illegally, we will find you and deport you. You will never return. But if you leave now, you may have an opportunity to return and enjoy our freedom and live the American Dream,”

“A statement from Secretary Noem is below:

“We have deported known terrorists, cartel members, and gang members from our country.

"We will see the number of deportations continue to rise. And illegal immigrants have the option to self-deport and come back LEGALLY in the future.

“And our team at ICE will help us continue moving forward to make America SAFE again.”


And not so nicely said in 1955,
“Trump’s mass deportation plans have echoes of a 1950s federal crackdown that swept through Texas

Seventy-one years after the Eisenhower administration launched a high-visibility operation to arrest undocumented immigrants, President Trump is following some of the same playbook.

“In the summer of 1955, Joseph M. Swing, the commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, wrote in his 138-page annual report that the “wetback problem no longer exists.”

“The border has been secured,” he declared.”


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