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- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
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...to Iran.
https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/israel-iran-mi...Since it was a launch directly from Iran, I wonder if Israel will directly attack Iran. It would seem justified to me, since Iran didn't go through its proxies. It would have to be a missile strike, preferably against military targets (as I mentioned previously). There are at least two nations between Israel and Iran, so a ground operation wouldn't be feasible (or advisable, given their incursion into Lebanon).
They could just take it out on Iranian proxies. But Bibi is a hawk, so I would not be surprised if he takes the fight to Iran. Israel has a significant missile inventory, though most appear to be anti-missile missiles. They do have the Delilah cruise missile. If I were a betting man, I'd say Bibi is going to direct his wrath at Iran-proper.
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If Bush or Trump were President, the Faux-Liberals would be screaming much louder against IDF actions. (They've done just that....many times)
But right now they are busy drilling and fracking, busy jailing shoplifters, spending money on defense and weapons, all sorts of cool stuff.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Israel has a significant missile inventory, though most appear to be anti-missile missiles. They do have the Delilah cruise missile. - 1pg
However Israel controls the air and its air force has proven its reach and effectiveness apart from the missile inventory. Biden is already giving his predictable hectoring Israel to show restraint. No wonder BiBi stopped advising Biden about their plans.
Israel knows what deterrence looks like and it is exactly the opposite of the proportionate response. Biden's policy of perpetual restraint has been tried and failed and has led to the situation we are presently in. If some considerable disproportionate response had been directed at Iran earlier, this whole escalation could likely been avoided.
But since it has started, my suggestion is that Israel make a priority of taking out Iran's missile production facility, their nuclear program, and as much of their leadership as they can find.
I think the Saudi's and others in the Middle East would rejoice if Iran was neutered and I think the people of Iran would cheer for an end to rule by the Mullahs. If not now, when?
No. of Recommendations: 2
It would have to be a missile strike,
Why? An F-35 sends a better message. Go find Iran's ballistic missile factories and blow them up.
Iran shooting missiles at Israel in defense of their proxy terrorist armies allows the Israelis to take the gloves all the way off.
No. of Recommendations: 2
I can't know what Biden is thinking. However, the Palestinian situation is different than the Hezbollah/Iran situation. I think as a general rule, people don't want to see the middle east explode. But it seems neither side is giving the other much choice.
I tend to agree with you here. Since the attack was launched from Iran, it is appropriate to target Iranian weapons production, military assets, and command and control (including leadership). Missiles would be best since Iran is not a neighbor, and it would require flying over non-combatant nations' airspace to get to Iran. Israel sending fighters invite them to be shot down, which would expand the war. Iran already set the precedent launching missiles through Jordanian airspace.
I know Iran generally doesn't like their theocracy, but it would be a mistake to think they would welcome Israel like the Parisians welcomed US soldiers in 1944. There probably won't be many roses. At best, if the Israelis can weaken the hold of the theocracy, maybe the Iranian citizenry could take it from there.
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At best, if the Israelis can weaken the hold of the theocracy, maybe the Iranian citizenry could take it from there. - 1pg
That is what I was getting at. Israel doesn't want to occupy Iran at all but there needs to be an end, soon, of their sponsoring terror in the neighborhood, plus there is the looming threat of an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel that must be prevented.