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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: ActBlue, on its last legs?
Date: 03/12/2025 12:04 PM
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The democrats' money laun-, er, fundraising platform Act Blue - a subject I've written about in the past - appears to be on its last legs. Several execs have quit and they're down to just 1 lawyer:


ActBlue, the online fund-raising organization that powers Democratic candidates, has plunged into turmoil, with at least seven senior officials resigning late last month and a remaining lawyer suggesting he faced internal retaliation.

AB has been a way for dems to launder money for years, directing some $16 billion to their candidates over the past 16 years or however long they've been around. But they do more than that. Barack Obama pioneered turning off the AVS system for credit cards so he could hide foreign donations and Act Blue has certainly carried the torch:

ActBlue only began requiring safeguards such as a card verification value, or CVV, following heightened scrutiny late last year. These are “standard procedures to guard against identity theft and fraud,” according to the letter.

Yeah, nothing says "Trust but verify" like turning off card security.

But they've also pioneered a form of fraud called "smurfing":


This drew attention to ActBlue’s fundraising practices and raised alarms about potential “smurfing” — a criminal practice that consists of dividing large transactions into smaller ones to avoid legal reporting requirements, obscuring the identity of the donor. As The Federalist reported, Republican Sen. Ron Johnson has been calling attention to “smurfing” through ActBlue for years, pointing out foreign actors could use the system to influence American elections under the radar.

The democrats have always accused the GOP of doing what they were already doing, and in this case they've been on the payroll of...pretty much the rest of the world...for more than 15 years.

Here's hoping ActBlue is toast.

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