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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Priority #1 Is Fizzling
Date: 03/06/2025 3:41 PM
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This just in...the Felon may not care about the guardrails, and definitely doesn't like being told "no".


Scholars argue about whether the country is in the midst of a constitutional crisis. But most experts, both liberal and conservative, agree that one thing will cross a line: if Trump ignores a Supreme Court ruling. At that point, the checks and balances that the constitutional system relies on could collapse.

And this is the point I was making:

The implication is that courts have power only if people obey them. Judges don’t have police officers or soldiers they can dispatch to enforce their rulings.

I think they rely on the Executive for enforcement.

So far the Felon has tried to go around most obstacles (though he flat-out ignored some rulings already). He may just decide "eff 'em", and ignore it all. Ironically, the SCOTUS made that easier by removing some traditional checks and oversight on the office of POTUS.
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