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Author: Sals-Dad   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: Advanced talks to sell RE Brokerage to Compass
Date: 03/17/2025 8:01 AM
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I am currently selling some residential real estate in the US. Given recent headlines, there might be some room for negotiating commissions, no?

There are 4 or 5 “good” local brokerages. I approached each of them, suggesting we negotiate an alternate commission, or commission structure. My idea: 1% on, say, the first million (an amount I figured I could get on my own) and 20% on anything above that.

Most of the firms agreed to negotiate, but none would consider a stepped fee, or go below 5% (combined for both brokers). This is the standard pre-settlement deal. BHRE heard my idea, and gave me a flat no, no offer to negotiate anything, no interest in continuing the conversation.

Maybe we haven’t heard the end of the legal problems in the industry?
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