No. of Recommendations: 1
Credit where credit is due indeed, but sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. TSLA has P/E of 113 and a PEG ratio at 8.8, if my math is correct. That is extremely aggressive pricing.
This is your/our line of thinking. Divi´s thinking was different, he would have called this "old school, hopeless, not seeing that Tesla is much more than just a car company ... battery company ... intellectual property ... vision ... potential ... future synergies ...".
This is a different way of thinking. I am far from defending it. Actually I was the one that constantly mocked him and repeatedly challenged him to a longterm bet on about Berkshire versus Tesla (a challenge he conveniently ignored).
But it's a kind of relativism to apply your/our thinking to dismiss that he actually was right with Tesla, to say: "Because that price according to my thinking is not justified Tesla having been a 10-bagger MUST have been luck" --- this is just an expression of our view, our narrow thinking, not necessarily reality. The fact we know is that he was right.