Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 8
I've been reading through hundreds of posts and apparently I blocked the silly people who use terms like 'you libs' when they wish to engage in a discussion.
How many of these types are there on this board? I must have them all blocked or is it just one or two people with too much time on their hands and no friends to go out and enjoy the day?
Why does anyone argue back? They obviously aren't here to learn anything or to better understand the argument.
I appreciate the info and the good links to reputable sites and the people who write much clearer than myself.
It's interesting to me that considering the overall high level of quality here at Shrewd'm (thanks Manlobbi, If I haven't already thanked you) that these people show up here when they don't have coherent arguments (judging by the pieces I see quoted).
The frowny face really works. But it also makes it look like people are shadowboxing the day away.
best wishes and intentions,
No. of Recommendations: 4
The frowny face really works.
Yeah. But, like albaby, I don't want to live in a bubble. So, if they aren't abusive, I don't p-box them. I think I only have one or two in the Shrewd p-box. Though I do skip a LOT of posts.
There are at least a half-dozen folks who think that the Felon is great, and post prodigiously. I don't know how many more are just lurkers. Probably several more.
No. of Recommendations: 3
If they were making valid points or asking worthwhile questions, that would make your point worth considering. The problem is that they don't. They say the same things over and over and receive intelligent replies which they denigrate or ignore. All of us here are living in a bubble. I just choose not to let annoying people into my part of the bubble.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Speaking of the frowny face: <click>
No. of Recommendations: 3
How many of these types are there on this board?
I can think of four. Two appear to be utterly incapable of putting themselves in other's shoes to understand a position contrary to their own. One occasionally shows hope, admitting mistakes. But then goes back to the same mistakes again and again. One is just plain looney and can't write a cogent statement on anything.
I haven't blocked any of them, but I frequently skip their posts, as there is rarely anything worthwhile to read. Keeping them out of the p-box makes it easier to check in from time to time to see what the nonsense of the day is.
No. of Recommendations: 3
One is just plain looney and can't write a cogent statement on anything.
And it's too bad. I remember when I could understand him. We disagreed, but I could understand him.
No. of Recommendations: 4
This thread is hilarious. The board’s left routinely calls right wingers terrorists, bigots, racists, nazis and whatever else yet the use of the words ‘you libs’ is triggering. You can’t make this up.
I’ve found that left wing posters want similar things in their posts - comfort that others think as they do, and a sense of security and safety in the numbers of left wingers present here.
In short, a very firm place near Maslow’s Basement. Very little to zero self-actualization. Then you have the Triumph the insult Dog crowd who are just here to throw poo.
No. of Recommendations: 4
All four are FoxBrains and give us insight into how Fox brainwashes millions of people with a constant barrage of scary stereotypes created by a combination of cherry picked facts and lies and half- truths posing as facts.
They give us insight as to how The Big Lie was the big winner of the 2024 national elections.
Ignoring them is a bad idea because they exist in the form of tens of millions of brainwashed voters and we need to find a cure. They’re like Zombies after the apocalypse but they are very, very real.
No. of Recommendations: 2
This thread is hilarious.
Yes, exactly.
Makes me laugh when someone comes along berating posters with a different
political point of view.
Nary do they say anything about the posters who have nothing to add to a
conversation except insult, belittle etc the poster they are replying to..
or to the posters who constantly curses and belittles President Trump.
No one from ‘our side’ gives a rip what is said,
just a waste of time and energy of the poster who thinks ‘we’ care what they say.
Ya, I could go on....the ‘other side’ far outnumber the three or four of us from the right
who posts here, but the BraveHeart will continue to wade through some of their nonsense
with our pov in a civil manner.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Makes me laugh when someone comes along berating posters with a different
political point of view.
Nary do they say anything about the posters who have nothing to add to a
conversation except insult, belittle etc the poster they are replying to..
Nothing says "I'm gonna roll over and show you my belly" better than libs who just cruise in and complain about someone daring to have a different point of view. Never mind these same people operate out of an alternative reality where Rachel Maddow is the most respected name in news and everyone looooooves progressive governance.