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Author: PucksFool 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: US education circling the drain
Date: 03/13/2025 5:27 AM
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It started at the bottom with Reagan's attack on public education that politicians in both parties added to. It is now destroying grad schools.

Graduate programs across the country are reducing admissions and reportedly even rescinding admission letters sent to prospective students amid concerns of drastic federal research funding cuts levied by the Trump administration.

Several student applicants, in interviews with Nature and The Daily Pennsylvanian late last month, said their offer letters were rescinded with university officials blaming uncertainty over future federal funding for the decision.

“Right now I don’t have any offers, and I’m not sure if I want to stay in research or not,” one student applicant at Vanderbilt University in Nashville told Nature after they said their informal offer of acceptance to a social sciences program in January was rescinded.

At the University of Pennsylvania, one professor told the student paper, The Daily Pennsylvanian, that their department was forced to rescind the acceptances of 10 of the 17 applicants they offered acceptances to.

“We go through hundreds of applications, we interviewed dozens of finalists, and basically all that work was just for naught,” they said under the condition of anonymity. A university representative did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment.
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