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Author: lizgdal   😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: Re: GTR1 Help
Date: 12/04/2024 2:01 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 7
This fieldname is not listed when I use list:*.s

The GTR1 list command returns 3900 fields Last Modified 20241129, but does not list 1621 derived fields (*d.s). The last date I have that GTR1 listed derived fields was 20200320. Most derived fields continued to work after 2020, but should be verified by inspecting the field values in a Screener report. fcfps12mq1d.s matches the sum of the 4 quarterly reports. fcfps12m.s matches the annual report when the last quarter was the year end as well:

Ticker  fcfps12mq1d.s  [FCFsum]  fcfps12m.s  fcfpsy1.s  fcfpsq1.s  fcfpsq2.s  fcfpsq3.s  fcfpsq4.s  perendy1.s  perendq1.s  Endy1=q1
AZO 116 116 112 112 39 30 11 36 26057 26057 TRUE
TDG 21 21 33 33 7 6 2 5 26077 26077 TRUE
FICO 18 18 25 25 7 5 4 3 26077 26077 TRUE
COST 12 12 10 10 4 1 5 3 26057 26057 TRUE
FDS 12 12 12 12 3 4 3 1 26057 26057 TRUE
DHI 11 11 5 5 6 2 2 2 26077 26077 TRUE
FFIV 10 10 13 13 3 3 2 2 26077 26077 TRUE
DE 10 10 10 10 13 6 -1 -8 26096 26096 TRUE
AMAT 8 8 8 8 1 2 2 2 26096 26096 TRUE
V 8 8 8 8 3 2 1 1 26077 26077 TRUE
SWKS 8 8 8 8 1 1 2 4 26076 26076 TRUE
KEYS 7 7 5 5 2 1 2 2 26100 26100 TRUE
ROK 6 6 1 1 6 1 0 -1 26077 26077 TRUE
QCOM 6 6 7 7 3 1 0 2 26076 26076 TRUE
J 6 6 6 6 1 2 1 2 26076 26076 TRUE
AAPL 5 5 6 6 1 1 1 2 26076 26076 TRUE
JBL 5 5 7 7 4 2 1 -1 26057 26057 TRUE
A 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 26100 26100 TRUE
ADI 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 2 26101 26101 TRUE
DIS 3 3 4 4 2 1 1 -1 26076 26076 TRUE

I don't know how to interpret fcfps12m.s when the last quarter was not the fiscal year end:

Ticker  fcfps12mq1d.s  [FCFsum]  fcfps12m.s  fcfpsy1.s  fcfpsq1.s  fcfpsq2.s  fcfpsq3.s  fcfpsq4.s  perendy1.s  perendq1.s  Endy1=q1
NVR 555 555 383 455 200 6 97 253 25889 26077 FALSE
BKNG 210 210 224 194 37 45 74 54 25889 26077 FALSE
COF 51 51 54 48 17 7 6 20 25889 26077 FALSE
REGN 43 43 32 36 9 9 11 15 25889 26077 FALSE
MTD 40 40 42 39 11 11 6 12 25889 26077 FALSE
ORLY 39 39 33 34 10 12 8 10 25889 26077 FALSE
HUM 37 37 -40 20 7 22 51 -44 25889 26077 FALSE
MOH 35 35 2 27 16 8 15 -4 25889 26077 FALSE
MCK 31 31 33 27 6 -9 23 11 25950 26077 FALSE
ELV 29 29 -3 23 8 5 24 -9 25889 26077 FALSE
AMP 28 28 75 37 7 4 8 9 25889 26077 FALSE
DFS 28 28 34 30 9 6 6 7 25889 26077 FALSE
TRV 26 26 36 30 12 6 3 5 25889 26077 FALSE
VLO 26 26 14 19 8 3 7 9 25889 26077 FALSE
AXP 23 23 16 21 10 4 -2 10 25889 26077 FALSE
GWW 22 22 30 24 6 5 5 5 25889 26077 FALSE
UNH 21 21 6 20 5 9 15 -7 25889 26077 FALSE
CPAY 21 21 26 27 3 2 11 4 25889 26077 FALSE
URI 20 20 27 26 3 3 5 9 25889 26077 FALSE
ULTA 19 19 21 21 1 4 16 -1 25912 26037 FALSE

Looking at the count of passing stocks with the screen {compareFCFd} can highlight dates where [fcfps12mq1d.s] differs from [fcfps12m.s].

Count of stocks passing step7 and step8 should be about the same:
step7: [Xd] > 0
step8: [Xs] > 0
Define: [ratio87] = count passing step8 / count passing step7
Ideally [ratio87] is 100%.

Count of stocks passing step11 and step12 should be about the same:
step11: [[Xd] - [medianXd]] > 0
step12: [[Xs] - [medianXs]] > 0
Define: [ratio1211] = count passing step12 / count passing step11
Ideally [ratio1211] is 100%.

[ratio87] is now 90%. A chart shows dips about once a year to about 94% since 2016. A 90% value indicates that 10% of stocks with positive [Xd] have negative [Xs].

[ratio1211] is now 82%. This is much lower than the previous low of 92% seen between 2004 and 2009.

Both ratios are lower than normal, indicating something has changed with one of these fields. The change happened suddenly on 20241007, about the time of the new SIP data.

Note that each data vendor uses a different FCF calculation. The new SIP data has different FCF than the old data. This doesn't affect the field comparison, but could mean backtest results are less applicable to current picks (because FCF has changed).



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