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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Georgia election board
Date: 09/22/2024 10:11 AM
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voter id and access to voting records. I figure if the records are readily available to locals who want to check or verify something, then any questionable items or missing data will quickly be wrung out of the system. Right now, it takes a cadre of lawyers and lengthy court battles for access to each little thing.

Fulfilling requests for information or records access should become easy, quick, and routine. After a few cycles of looking hard but finding no significant issues or discrepancies then skepticism will subside on its own.

The easiest way for faith to be restored in the voting system is for Republicans to not tell outrageous lies about it and accept defeat when it happens. As long as Republicans tell outrageous lies about elections and won't accept defeat, confidence won't be restored - maybe never restored to Q even if y'all do.

Access to voter registration and voter ID "should become easy, quick, and routine." Once that is established and y'all stop telling outrageous lies about elections and accepting defeat, there will be little need for an extra partisan hand count. We can talk about it then, but it's up to each state. BTW, you have no standing in 49 states and DC, so talk to your state.
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