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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: rrr12345   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Back of the envelope
Date: 11/06/2024 7:23 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 11
Thanks to all of you for sharing your IV estimates. I look forward to hearing from more models, such as look-through earnings. We see a number of different models, and different assumptions within each model. Here's a quick summary:

model, person, IV estimate, corresponding P/B

2-1/2 column and other models, Mungofitch, $425/B-share, !.46x BV
Five groves, Gator1984, AdrainC and DTB, $440-$475/B-share, 1.50x to 1.63x BV
2-column, Tilson, $479, 1.64x BV
Sum of the parts, Morningstar, $466, 1.60x BV

Here are a couple of other models for your consideration.

Weighing machine model, rrr12345, $462, 1.60x BV
This model graphs share price versus BVPS and uses the trendline as the IV estimate. This model requires no assumptions about future cash
flows, appropriate discount rate, or appropriate P/E. The only assumption is that over the long term price tracks BV, which is shown by
the data to be true, with r^2 = 0.98.

Stock repurchase model, rrr12345, $482, 1.65x BV
This model assumes that IV is about 5% above Buffett's highest P/B paid.

Please add other models that you have seen.


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