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Author: PhoolishPhilip 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Dividends
Date: 02/28/2024 10:28 PM
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One logical consequence of that view is that it's the government's job to actively ensure that there are always lots of very poor people elsewhere in the world, as it's the only way to defend that "right" against the risk of widespread prosperity. Not a policy goal I would endorse!

This is absolutely ridiculous and can only make sense if you ignore the giant chunk of national income that flows,as a birthright, to owners of capital, a la Alice Walton. Poverty wages in Bangladesh are not the result of high wages of autoworkers but rather are a consequence of the high dividends received by Alice Walton. How does widespread prosperity result from the redistribution of income from wages and salaries? It must also come from the redistribution of income from returns on capital.
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