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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: Maduro
Date: 09/07/2024 10:04 PM
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When you said "other countries", I'm surprised you didn't mention the US. We have officially recognized the challenger as the winner (as of Aug 1, last I knew). The question is whether or not Maduro can be forced to accept the results, or if he has the support to stage a military coup.

I've talked previously about the US - we are the reason the election occurred. Why would Maduro need to stage a military coup? He's President, the oligarchy seems to be happy with him, and the military is on Maduro's side, full of people he put in there. The question to me right now, is - will Maduro let those 6 people leave the country, or will he arrest and imprison them?

We haven't reinstated the sanctions we lifted to get the election. What's interesting is the Argentinian government is far right wing, and they're leading the charge against Maduro. Good move to let other countries run this part, it will probably go nowhere and we'll be urged to reinstate the sanctions.
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