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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: My God, crypto and options strategy on Berkshire.
Date: 08/03/2024 7:52 PM
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Feel a bit unfairly maligned by the comparison here, as a BRK options holder (at times, not now) who is as anti-crypto as they come.

You don't want to be associated with the asset that 10X'd?

I suppose it would be even more galling (12X) to be associated with TSLA?

Unfairly Maligned


Remember when the old board discussed topics like Taleb's Antifragile? It was an interesting topic and a new idea that could be applied to investing. BTC/TSLA and others offer a whole range of important investing concepts and potential products that one should be able to discuss but get shut down immediately:

- Metcalfe's Law
- Stock-to-flow
- Power Law
- Latest AI developments
- Innovation in financial markets
- Renewable energy v. oil industry
- Stationary battery business
- EVs v. ICE
- Electric trucks
- Auto insurance in the AI world
- Trends in online retailing
- Automation in manufacturing
- Does investing in non-income producing investments work? When and why?
- Game Theory
- Inflation strategies
- Advances in medicine
- Peptides
- Precision fermentation
- Advanced coin flipping

The list goes on and on.
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