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Personal Finance Topics / Retirement Investing
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Author: vez   😊 😞
Number: of 598 
Subject: Re: Savings account rates
Date: 04/03/2023 5:56 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 2
I don't care much about broker sweep accounts. If I plan to buy stocks soon, the money doesn't
stay in cash but a few days. If I plan to stay in cash for a longer term, I put it in short-term ETF
or mutual fund like FLRN or VUBFX.

Not sure what the problem is with broker sweep accounts.
Interactive Brokers (one of the brokers I use) currently
pays 4.33% on long-settled cash balances. And if some of
the money is needed for other purposes, I have always been
able to transfer it to a bank account the same day (have
not tried transferring on weekends).

If one can watch patiently, as on a tree branch (or clutching it
like the vultures that patient investors happen to be),
then the wait for the prey to appear is much more tolerable,
and even enjoyable when earned interest salves the urge to
"do something" with that unused cash. Probably more than a
few would have preferred to have been balancing on that tree
branch in 2022, earning interest while scanning the horizon
for opportunities.


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