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Author: suaspontemark   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Cult Sunday
Date: 02/04/2025 9:03 AM
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For context, I worked in the Bush and Obama WH, and I know a number of flag officers, a former deputy Cabinet Secretary, etc personally. That's what happens after 35 years in the DoD, the last 20 of which have been in and around DC.

The follower piece of the equation is interesting. The other component, the leader, is as well - I suspect he's never used the words "I'm sorry." Two more I doubt he's used - or if he has, he hasn't felt them - are "thank you." There's cause to use both of those simple pairings every day. But not in this camp.

The deprogramming will take time. Having been in the same room as, or having met, every President from Bush the First on, he's been the least impressive.

The "this is fine" ethos carries on into the Cabinet selections. Pete Hegseth would not be hired by me to be a Platoon Leader. Conduct and moral compass are dodgy, full stop. Yet here we are, where a known violator of Article 134 of the UCMJ when he was a commissioned officer (Adultery) is deemed the right choice to fill the biggest and most powerful cabinet position in America, probably the world.

The hubris-as-a-feature extends into this realm. Were I asked to be SECDEF, I would laugh and say no within the space of a few seconds, though I'm vastly more qualified than him. That's just a pair comparison - compared to the gamut of those who are actually reasonable choices, I'm still vastly lacking. And here we are.

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