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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
Date: 10/07/2024 12:46 PM
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Major influences from Asian and European immigrants using the local ingredients result in an amazing variety way beyond what most folks think of when someone says 'let's eat Mexican.'

We've never stayed long enough to really explore that sort of cuisine. Two 1-week stays was the most, plus a few days here and there. We always made a point of getting away from the tourist areas (that always seem to feature TGIFridays or Senor Frog). Had some really wonderful birria in Cabo (tiny little place with concrete half-walls and no proper door, and we were the only non-native Spanish speakers in the place). In Mahahual we went 1 block off the beach, and went from loud bar/restaurants to family places where the menu was painted on the wall, and the server spoke ZERO english. I don't recall the name of what I had, but it was similar to what we would call a "tostada". Oh, it was good. And cheap.

If a bunch of white folks are in the place, it's probably not for us. We like getting the food the locals eat when we travel.
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