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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: The Brits have...about 25 tanks
Date: 02/23/2025 3:44 PM
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They're not going to invade Europe. Why would you go there as your first response?

You said that China was the threat, not Russia - and that therefore NATO needed to arm up. Most of NATO is in Europe. Why do the Europeans need to "arm up" against China?

Wrong. You don't like what the US is doing because Trump is saying what needs to be said to our European allies.

No, I don't like that Trump is weakening (or abandoning) the U.S. position of leadership in most global institutions and demonstrating itself to be an unreliable and undependable ally at a time when coordinated global effort is needed against the threat of Chinese power. The first month of the Administration has been more overtly critical of our allies than our enemies. That might get them to reposition themselves to be more independent of the U.S. - but the downside to that is that they then become more independent of the U.S., rather than firmly within our sphere of influence.

They intend to displace the US as the world's lone superpower and put weaker countries under their thumbs.

Yep - which is why they're delighted that we're retreating from our superpower role and alienating our allies. Do you think China is upset that Canadians are booing the U.S. national anthem? That other nations are thinking twice about their policy of sharing intelligence data with the U.S.? If we're going to start treating our allies as rivals and adversaries on more and more issues (punitive tariffs for Canada! trying to take territory from Denmark!), it only makes it easier for China on the global stage.

That's not something that's balanced out by having more tanks in the U.K.
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