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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: Re: Should I change how I invest? Confused in the U
Date: 11/06/2024 6:12 PM
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Um, there's one faction that burns cities when they don't get their way. One faction that says "If you don't agree with me you are dead to me."

Yes, I believe you are right that there is some asymmetry. People don't dare to put a Trump sticker on their car because they know that it is likely to get keyed, or to put a poster on their lawn because they don't want to endanger their family. I have an Israeli flag on my balcony and I have to wonder whether it is wise. But the people that will one day throw a stone through my window aren't afraid to say 'From the river to the sea' and oddly enough, they are probably right to feel safe.

But for the next few days, I think we should cut them some slack. It hurts to lose, and a little graciousness is in order if you feel like you just won.

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