No. of Recommendations: 15
Looking at a picture of the Cybertruck, my first thought was "This must be a joke!"
That has to be the ugliest car I have ever seen. Why all the flat panels, don't they know that people have been rolling steel for more than 100 years?
I may have a few issues with Tesla here and there, and I don't find it attractive myself, but hey, I kinda like the fact that the design is "out there". It doesn't have to appeal to everyone, any more than a Hummer does. Practical? No, of course not. All the best vehicles are impractical! (I just finished some touring through torrential England in a leaky rag top).
Admittedly only recently did I see one in person,'s a whole lot bigger than, well, a pickup truck. It is 28% shorter than a Abrams tank, so there's that.
I do like the joke that came out when it was unveiled.
I can't find the precise quote, so this is a paraphrase:
Boss: "We need the design for the new Tesla Truck by the end of the week."
Designer: "OK...what's the budget?"
Boss: "Seven polygons"