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Author: very stable genius   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Long Overdue
Date: 02/02/2025 8:39 AM
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Could someone please explain what MSM is? TIA

It means main stream media.
Key Right-Wing Mainstream Media Outlets:
Fox News: Often cited as the most prominent right-wing mainstream media outlet, Fox News has a significant conservative audience.
Fox Business: Along with Fox News, it has one of the most conservative net-ideology scores.
Newsmax: A Far-right mainstream media outlet, has a significant conservative audience.
The Wall Street Journal: Also owned by Rupert Murdoch. Its editorial page offer more conservative perspectives.

Many studies have shown that people who view right-wing main stream media sources are less informed than people who view other news sources.
A Fairleigh Dickinson University survey found Fox News viewers were less informed about current events than people who didn't follow news at all.
Another study showed that Fox News viewers are less likely to have college degrees compared to MSNBC viewers.

Of course any regular reader of this board already knows all this.

Good luck America, you are gonna need it.



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