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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12433 
Subject: Very OT: Help with Mac-Win problem?
Date: 11/25/2024 4:19 AM
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I have a Dual Boot Mac-Windows problem which really baffles me. The problem is on the Mac side and I am a pure Windows guy. I could ask on the "macuser" forum, but I hate to register anywhere unless there is absolutely no other way. I know that a lot of the active posters are computer geeks (plus who knows how many of the not posting ones). So sorry for asking this:

I have an iMac, dual boot (Catalina+Win10), 100% used as a Windows machine, but recently installed iMovie to do a bit of video editing. To make data exchange easier yesterday I deleted under Windows one of the internal SSD's 7 partitions, recreated it and formatted it with ExFat to share files between both OS. Result:

- Files I create on that partition under Windows I can read/write under MacOS
- Files I create on that partition under MacOS are not visible under Windows
(And no, activating "Show invisible files" does not help; for Windows it's as if they don't exist)

That concerns only that internal SSD's ExFat partition, not if I go around it and exchange files via ExFat formatted USB stick.

I apologize for this super OT question.
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