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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
Date: 09/12/2024 6:48 PM
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Did Biden let a mere court loss stop him? Nope. He brags about giving the Supreme Court the finger. And finds another way.

As did Trump on several occasions. After his first travel restrictions package was shot down by the courts, he had his staff restructure it in a different way.

But Biden was never able to get the legislation on student loans that he wanted, just as Trump was never able to get the legislation he wanted on immigration. Obama never got the DREAM Act passed (or any of a number of other priorities), and Biden never got most of his legislative agenda passed either.

Again, Democrats don't have any "special sauce" that lets them get all of their policies passed in a way the GOP does not. Nearly all of the Democrats' efforts to adopt non-budgetary legislation die in Congress, just like those of the GOP. The main difference is that the GOP's last President (and the only GOP President in the last 16 years) was both a complete neophyte to government and disdained institutions and institutional competence, which significantly limited his ability to use the tools that were readily available to him.

Republican frustration about this seems very misplaced. They achieve almost all of the 'small ball' wins that can be achieved unilaterally through Congress (McConnell was a master at getting all those things done), and have all the tools to get the 'small ball' wins done on the Executive side that the Democrats have. The Democrats lost all of their efforts to get big things done through Congress when they had the majority, save and except the reconciliation bills. But the GOP got to pass their reconciliation bills, too.

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