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- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 3
No. of Recommendations: 2
https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/scicheck-conserv... Where are the facts? Did any wives receive payments? Which charities received the payments? How much did each recipient gift during the past 20 years? Isn’t this info on their tax return, it shouldn’t take very long to disclose the facts. Transparency and disclosure are always the best disinfectant. ☮️
No. of Recommendations: 1
No. of Recommendations: 5
hclasvegas: Good morning common, still waiting for your response...
Response to what? Your own link has the response: "However, NIH rules limit staff from receiving more than $150,000 a year in royalties."
While Openthebooks tosses around some big billion dollar numbers, Openthebooks reports that those big dollars aren't going into Fauci's pocket.
No. of Recommendations: 2
" "However, NIH rules limit staff from receiving more than $150,000 a year in royalties."
Is that a year, a lifetime, all family members in the aggregate, per year ? Can they receive more annually if its gifted ? Do you oppose more transparency and better disclosure ? BTW, Fauci and friends worked for many presidents from both parties so this isn't political. Thank you.
No. of Recommendations: 8
Is that a year, a lifetime, all family members in the aggregate, per year ? Can they receive more annually if its gifted ? $150,000
a year means
a year. No, family members aren't eligible for royalty payments. Gifted? No.
Your source, Openthebooks, posted Fauci's recent financial disclosure forms. Knock yourself out finding the fraud. Here they are:
No. of Recommendations: 6
Morning HC!
If you're concerned with fraud you must be up in arms regrading Don the Con's Truth Social sham.
The company is Losing money, the shareholders are losing money and Trump is filling his pockets with millions! (Maybe billions!)
Media mogul Barry Diller called Trump Media "a scam stock bought by dopes." Do you agree? I sure do.
"Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT -18.35%) fell 18.4% on Monday, after the Donald Trump-owned social media company announced
plans to allow existing investors to exercise stock warrants far ahead of their previously agreed-upon schedule."
No. of Recommendations: 1
" $150,000 a year means a year. No, family members aren't eligible for royalty payments. Gifted? No.
Your source, Openthebooks, posted Fauci's recent financial disclosure forms. Knock yourself out finding the fraud. Here they are:"
See how the usual suspects are ? Show me where anyone alleged, fraud ? You made it up, right? I asked for better transparency and more disclosure, that means I'm alleging fraud ? How do you know Fauci's wife never received a dime in royalty payments, now that you know who she is. Where did Fauci disclose how much he gifted to the charities annually? Birx, Collins, the others, WHERE is the DISCLOSURE bud , while they were assuring us the covid vaccines were safe and effective? Thank you.
No. of Recommendations: 1
mornin genius, it's always nice to hear from old friends, however, you are busted, again. I know you read the brkb, board, come on pal. I warned day one that a secondary was coming to free up at least 10 million shares, 5 million trump 5 million the company, you should shoot dice with your djt money and have a chance. What's shocking is they freed up ALL the shares, lol. Trump must be getting financial advice from Mike Cohen and Blinder Robinson, OR, trumps wall st pals are short ten million plus and they scored. No fraud here pal, it's all disclosed in the filings. I'm always available to hold your hand kid, come back real soon.
No. of Recommendations: 2
"Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT -18.35%) fell 18.4% on Monday, after the Donald Trump-owned social media company announced
plans to allow existing investors to exercise stock warrants far ahead of their previously agreed-upon schedule."
No one could have anticipated such a thing! /s
No. of Recommendations: 9
Show me where anyone alleged, fraud ? You made it up, right?By repeatedly bringing up Fauci, now retired -- and his wife -- and suggesting that royalties, gifts, and the Fauci family finances in general were not properly disclosed, it's pretty clear what you're implying.
...WHERE is the DISCLOSURE bud...Again, you have a recent financial disclosure form. In fact, 35+ years of Fauci's disclosure forms are public record.
...while they were assuring us the covid vaccines were safe and effective?They are safe and effective. Dozens of studies have established they are safe and effective. Australia just reported the lowest seven-day Covid death rate for more than two years.
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/ap...In the United States, new weekly hospital admissions of people infected with COVID-19 is now among the lowest rates of the pandemic.
You need better trolling material.
No. of Recommendations: 3
Hey Hc, thanks for the reply,
"No fraud here pal, it's all disclosed in the filings."
Well except they lied in the original filings and yesterday decided...
Trump Media & Technology Group announced plans to allow insiders to sell as many as 21.5 million shares far earlier than their previously agreed-upon schedule.
The new shares will dilute existing investors by more than 15%.
And you didn't answer my question my man, Media mogul Barry Diller called Trump Media "a scam stock bought by dopes." Do you agree?
BTW Down another -10% today.
No. of Recommendations: 1
“ Trump Media & Technology Group announced plans to allow insiders to sell as many as 21.5 million shares far earlier than their previously agreed-upon schedule.“. IF, they didn’t file an amendment to disclose that I hope Trump and the Bods all get 20 years. Btw, for trumpoholics , it was much smarter to buy the stock then send him camPAIN contributions, they can write off the stock losses. ☮️😇
No. of Recommendations: 0
"Trump Media (DJT) stock also came under pressure on Monday after the company filed for the potential issuance of up to 21.49 million shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants related to Digital World. The filing also provides for the offer and sale of up to 146.1 million shares of common stock from time to time by certain selling stockholders. Trump is the majority shareholder in the company."
genius, is this what you are referring too ? Thanks bud.
No. of Recommendations: 2
What's the phrase? "Pigs get slaughtered"? Seems apropos.
No. of Recommendations: 2
I think I understand what you are saying...
Since the prospectus clearly stated that Trump is a fraud that means he is not a fraud. (Do you really think the MAGA crowd read the prospectus?)
And you still haven't answered my question...
Media mogul Barry Diller called Trump Media "a scam stock bought by dopes." Do you agree?
Have a great day pal, don't waste it staring at screens!
No. of Recommendations: 1
“ OK HC,
I think I understand what you are saying...
Since the prospectus clearly stated that Trump is a fraud that means he is not a fraud. (Do you really think the MAGA crowd read the prospectus?)“. Mornin genius , the point is, all the risks were disclosed. I can’t read or I refuse to read,may not be an effective lawsuit. To repeat, suckers could have come to Vegas to shoot dice with that money, instead they gambled and bought djt. However, I suspect the vast majority of djt buyers, are trump supporters no ? Wasn’t it brilliant to support him, his djt, and get the tax write off on your stock losses? Let’s see if Diller gets sued, he crossed the line pal. Don’t forget my background bro, that’s why you come back to have me hold your hand, for so many years. ☮️💕
No. of Recommendations: 2
“ And you still haven't answered my question...
Media mogul Barry Diller called Trump Media "a scam stock bought by dopes." Do you agree?“. Genius, enlighten us, what is the scam? What wasn’t properly disclosed? I think Diller gets sued, but we shall see. ☮️😇