When reading a post with a keyboard, you can type the keys , and . to move backwards and forward between posts! You can also press 'return' to read through posts one at a time. There's freedom in Shrewd'm!
- Manlobbi
Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) ❤
No. of Recommendations: 5
Have you/would you ever consider writing a pay-per-view type newsletter similar to what Rationalwalk is doing?
You clearly enjoy writing and I always enjoy reading your thoughts (The raisins).
Yet my life would be much improved if I could avoid all the off topic turds that run rampant on this board. (It’s not just here, it's seemingly part of the social media experience.)
I would gladly pay for such a subscription.
All the best!
"If You Mix Raisins With Turds, You Still Have Turds." ~Charlie Munger
PS I've tried the ignore button, but the turds seem to keep floating to the surface.
No. of Recommendations: 33
Sorry, no, that would be too much like work : )
If somebody paid me for my opinions, I would start to be concerned that I felt obliged to ensure they have some actual value.
For now, I feel free to express my random thoughts like the catastrophe that so many people can't figure out the difference between artisan and artisanal.
As for whether that would be a better forum, well, THIS is the better forum...our kindly host created it, I believe, in part at my own suggestion : )
Even the posters with the more (ahem) wide-ranging viewpoints often raise interesting issues.
Other than the ignore button, I find it's a fine idea to stop reading any thread after it has (say) 15-20 posts in it. The last part is pretty much always dreadful.
No. of Recommendations: 2
If you would like, I will send you a monthly email that has just mungofitch's posts from shrewdm, and no other content, for $100/month (USD).
For $1000 (USD) I will send you python code which will scrape only Mungofitch's posts from shrewdm for the previous month that you can then run any time you like, and can attempt to modify if you want to see somebody else's posts filtered out.
I am newly learning python and I love the idea of scraping data from the web. I am using openAI's chatGPT 4o to help me learn and help me code, which is also I think developing a valuable skill.
I am also willing to scrape a 1 month data range of mungofitch's posts and send it to you in a text file any time you send me $100.
I doubt anybody's going to take me up on this, but it would be cool for me if you did.
If anybody (I guess really only mungofitch) objects to this, we can have either a public or private discussion of whether this violates copyright or not. I would think not in that very stable genius could hire the 14 year old down the block to create these files for him on his computers and this would seem unambiguously not violating copyright.
No. of Recommendations: 7
If anybody (I guess really only mungofitch) objects to this, we can have either a public or private discussion of whether this violates copyright or not.
I can't *object* to it, but I'd ask for a cut : )
No. of Recommendations: 73
As for whether that would be a better forum, well, THIS is the better forum...our kindly host created it, I believe, in part at my own suggestion : )
Thank you mungofitch for your help.
But just to set the record straight, I should summarise the history.
Prior to posting the mere idea of programming a former TMF-like investment forum (having not started any work) at the present TMF boards, I had not even speculated about such an idea with anyone. Those posts are still there for all to see.
No-one had given me the idea of creating any forum, let alone a near-replica of the former TMF boards, prior to embarking on the programming. I didn't even discuss it with friends. I was literally amazed at the prospect of 20+ years of friendships vanishing, so I just announced the idea at the TMF boards, then didn't hesitate and went ahead and started programming the same day. The composition I was working on (Prelude No. 15) would have to wait.
With the exceedingly positive feedback from many (who are now here) definitely not slowing me down, I worked hard to do finish the programming as soon as possible. I worked 12-16 hours every day until it was completed on 14 December 2022. The reason for urgency was because I felt there was a critical period in which many were temporarily visiting the TMF board but trickling away and not returning. Consequently, if I waited longer, many people would not even be informed that a replacement board has been prepared.
I put real love into the details. After exhaustively completing the project, which frankly was enjoyable and exciting, there was of course no post here other than a few intro posts of my own.
Only then, upon the site completed, I announced to mungofitch that it was deployed, so he was the first person I announced the board to, and that was 14 December 2022.
I let a couple of others know soon after, then let the flood gates open. Before doing so, I planned to have a small group to use it first to make sure that everything was great. But, instead, I hardly waited, and announced just 2 days later (16 December, 2022) at the TMF boards.
I also asked everyone I knew who wrote at TMF to contact all of their friends via email lists to announce the new board.
On 16 December, 2022 there were already 50 posts in that one day! And over the next month, almost half of the present readers, here now, were already signed up.
(Quick announcement: If you remember *anyone* that you shared private emails with many years ago (with the private email feature at TMF), and might still have their email by searching for their name in your email archives, then please try to locate the email, and write to them now - it isn't too late to let them know this site exists).
Many made some suggestions, and one of mungofitch's was to allow a 'reply to' against individual posts (rather than only being able to reply to the whole thread) when reading a whole thread, which I implemented. Very early on after the flood gates were open, Said was also active in making a lot of suggestions, and I was adjusting font sizes between different devices (iPads, Android tablets, etc) which took some time. I was visiting the electronics shop at the Metropol shopping centre in Monaco checking through all the devices. And there is a long list of others also suggesting things.
I continued adding a few features and even continue to do so now (the 'Boards in the vanguard' feature last week, etc).
Thank you for all suggestions, for all Support Stars, and not to forget - thank you to everyone for coming together as that was the overwhelming primary goal. Oscar255414 has been the most wonderful.
As far as I'm concerned the project was very successful in bringing back part of many people's lives - as when you feel emptiness, like a strange void, after leaving truly close work colleagues, except that in this case all came back to life. You cannot imagine the letters with such strong emotions expressed. Some people had literally fallen into depression and were suddenly brought back to life.
I'm also happy to report that there are - even now - many accounts being created every month, with the continuing signups not slowing down over the last year (other than the surge over the first few months). The vast majority of accounts are people reading, and not posting articles (Dear reading Shrewds, please post at least occasionally even if just thanking an author).
- Manlobbi
No. of Recommendations: 7
Thank You for all the hard work you’ve done.
No. of Recommendations: 32
I so appreciate your labor of love, which has already made an enduring difference to myself, and, I imagine, to many, many others. You have given us all an extraordinary gift in Shrewd'm, through the lens of your inimitable integrity and openness -- truly, the best qualities of the most exalted creators, here or anywhere. In doing so, you show us what I believe to be the best way forward in life: Through work, love, integrity, and openness, values you demonstrate in all you show us. I find your example genuinely inspirational, and vanishingly rare.
No. of Recommendations: 2
visiting the electronics shop at the Metropol shopping centre in Monaco checking through all the devices.
I guess that makes you a fnac checker?
(works better read aloud)
No. of Recommendations: 4
Very early on after the flood gates were open, Said was also active in making a lot of suggestions, and I was adjusting font sizes between different devices (iPads, Android tablets, etc) which took some time. I was visiting the electronics shop at the Metropol shopping centre in Monaco checking through all the devices.
Sorry, I kept you far too busy with details. Just let me say that I really enjoyed our exchange, not only about this board you created but also what you shared about the creative process and your composing. Thank you for all you've done for us!
No. of Recommendations: 7
Thank you @Manlobbi for bringing this forum back to life! I very much appreciate your labor of love that has helped all the TMF Berkshire fans.