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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Team Trump, who will he pick ?
Date: 11/18/2024 8:00 AM
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I chat with a small private group of young crypto freaks, I’m the outside old school skeptic. This morning a guy shared this, “ How's Warren Buffet doing? You old timers need to step into the game. It's too big to ignore now bro”. And this, “ It's not funny. What's funny is you all kept your investment schemes a secret from us, and I'm trying to help you guys back in the game. I must be a right wing, redneck conspiracy theorist 😘🍿“”. And this, “ In all seriousness I have made more money on my investments in the past week than I've made in my lifetime. I took some hits for 4 years but the next 4 are gonna be EPIC.” “ 12 billion entered the XRP market alone this week””. Anyway, this guy is the lead singer in a country band here in Vegas, he’s very conservative. For years I lovingly told him that he was a “ redneck conspiracy nut “ on many issues including Fauci, the lab leak, and other critical issues,turns out the nuts were spot on and us liberals look like we were conned. The crypto gang is not fond of Buffett or Dimon, we shall see. ☮️
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