Please be positive and upbeat in your interactions, and avoid making negative or pessimistic comments. Instead, focus on the potential opportunities.
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
No. of Recommendations: 8
House Passes G.O.P. Budget Teeing Up Massive Tax and Spending Cuts
The House narrowly passed a Republican budget resolution that called for $4.5 trillion in tax cuts and a $2 trillion reduction in federal spending over a decade, a first step for advancing major elements of President Trump’s domestic agenda.
Where are the fiscal conservatives in the GOP?
Promises made to the billionaire class, promises kept.
No. of Recommendations: 7
I'm one of the top 5% and will benefit greatly from these tax cuts, thank you MAGAs!
Also my favorite part of the new Captain America movie is when he tries to extort Wakanda for half of their Vibranium deposits before teaming up with Hydra to vote against the Avengers...
No. of Recommendations: 4
What type of a monster would you have to be to justify it as reasonable to cut meager support for humanitarian aid, social services, medical research, students with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations in order to finance further tax reductions, disproportionately for the wealthy, when 67% of U.S. net worth is already held by the top 10% and only 2.5% is held by the bottom 50%?
Meanwhile, 50% of U.S. equities are held by the top 1%, with 87% held by the top 10%. Only 1% of U.S. equities are held by the bottom 50%.
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...never mind only accepting oligarchs!
No. of Recommendations: 1
Start with cancelling any SALT reservation, and roll back AMT REFORM
C'mon, let's start there.
OR go explain to people in a "highly democrat" neighborhood why someone making $150-200k needs tax help.
I dare you people :)
The cuts? Already on record - I'm against. I hope a few Senators beat that stuff back.
If Trump allows it, he's political toast faster than I predicted and GOP is done.
IF he cuts defense - then - like I've said kiss JD's butt because he'll become President soon..... if you mess with CIA *and* defense're gonna be in the history books.
No. of Recommendations: 7
Trump Style Socialism...
We have socialism in this country for the rich, harsh capitalism for everyone else.
The GOP passed a budget resolution that will gut Medicaid, SNAP, and other vital programs — as 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
To finance tax cuts for the top 1%. (The ruling class.)
Big Balls says, "Work harder support the rich!"
No. of Recommendations: 4
The GOP passed a budget resolution that will gut Medicaid, SNAP, and other vital programs — as 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
Kinda surprising. Red states (and districts) tend to receive a disproportionate share of those monies/programs. They'll be angering a lot of voters in their home districts. I figured a lot of talk, but not much action on the part of Congress, because he hurts too many of their voters.
Unless they think we're moving to autocracy, and they won't have to worry about that. The thing an autocracy, there is really only one center of power (the dictator). As Tolkien wrote, "there is only one lord of the ring, and he doesn't share power".
No. of Recommendations: 2
No. of Recommendations: 1
I figured a lot of talk, but not much action on the part of Congress, because he hurts too many of their voters
I still think the House Republicans voted 'yes' on this POS bill in order to suck up to Trump and avoid the God-leader's wrath, knowing that the Senate would probably save them by modifying the bill.
No. of Recommendations: 3
I still think the House Republicans voted 'yes' on this POS bill in order to suck up to Trump and avoid the God-leader's wrath, knowing that the Senate would probably save them by modifying the bill.
I’ve seen worms with more backbone than today’s Republicans.
I expect it to pass intact.
No. of Recommendations: 1
But they own the Senate, also. Plus the tie-breaker (if any).
And, as I understand it, they can't filibuster this one. Otherwise, it would be a non-issue (i.e. Dems would be falling over themselves to filibuster).
No. of Recommendations: 3
No. of Recommendations: 6
George Carlin nailed it.
He sure did,
"You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations
that've long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pocket,
and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and the information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.
They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else.
They don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation." ~George Carlin
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." ~George Carlin