No. of Recommendations: 17
Trans people have been using your bathroom since before you were born. Somehow society didn't crack, and we didn't descend into a swirl of iniquity.
Here's my litmus test for bigots:
You're out front, hanging in the yard. Maybe having a BBQ. People playing frisbee, badminton, throwing a football, whatever. A car careens down the street, jumps the curb, and smacks one of the kids, hard. They have let's say, an obvious compound fracture, and are moaning in the yard, barely conscious, likely head trauma. Who do you call?
10 of your favorite religious leaders, pundits, politicians, etc?
Nope, you call 911. And you hope for a really crack EMT. One who was maybe a Corpsman in Falloujah or such, and is really adept at staying calm and in the golden hour after a significant trauma, getting a patient stabilized and into a L1 trauma center where they can be attended to by the full team.
Now here's the test. What if the EMT is gay? What if they are trans? Jewish? Atheist? Pick your least favorite marginalized group. Now...they're still the crack EMT that saved lives in battle. But their identity is something that people with way too much fucking time on their hands harp about when their bigot mask slips.
So who do you call? Joel Osteen, Dr. Oz, RFK Jr., and company?
We all know the answer.