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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3323 
Subject: “F$&k it. Release ‘em all.”
Date: 01/23/2025 12:53 AM
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Marc Caputo of Axios reported today that Trump’s decision to pardon or commute the sentences of all the January 6 rioters convicted of crimes for that day’s events, including those who attacked police officers, was a spur of the moment decision by Trump apparently designed to get the issue behind him quickly. “Trump just said: ‘F*ck it: Release ‘em all,’”

Heather Cox Richardson

that certainly worked out well….
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3323 
Subject: Re: “F$&k it. Release ‘em all.”
Date: 01/23/2025 12:56 AM
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NBC News profiled the men who threw Nazi salutes, posted that they intended to start a civil war, vowed “there will be blood,” and called for the lynching of Democratic lawmakers.

What’s next? “F$&k it. Launch the nukes.”?
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3323 
Subject: Re: “F$&k it. Release ‘em all.”
Date: 01/23/2025 1:01 AM
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One of the pardoned individuals is already back in prison on a gun charge, illustrating, as legal analyst Joyce White Vance said, why Trump should have evaluated “prior criminal history, behavior in prison, [and] risk of dangerousness to the community following release. Now,” she said, “we all pay the price for him using the pardon power as a political reward.” On social media, Heather Thomas wrote: “So when all was said and done, the only country that opened [its] prisons and sent crazy murderous criminals to prey upon innocent American citizens, was us.”
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3323 
Subject: Re: “F$&k it. Release ‘em all.”
Date: 01/23/2025 9:56 AM
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why Trump should have evaluated “prior criminal history, behavior in prison, [and] risk of dangerousness to the community following release.

I chalk it up to Trump's laziness. It was just easier to say f**k it and not do any serious review of the crimes people had committed.
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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 3323 
Subject: Re: “F$&k it. Release ‘em all.”
Date: 01/23/2025 3:34 PM
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imagine how lazy the 'hang mike pence' er's feel.
as trump said, pence didnt have the courage to do the right thing, and neither did they. 'so what' hanging medallions would have been awarded.

everybody says it's a prospective pardon; so i guess it comes down to whether MAGA can find a way to grift off this ? pay-per-view?

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