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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: On Inflation and Prices Again
Date: 10/31/2024 1:48 PM
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Well, there are answers for it. Mainly that price rises were a global phenomenon (not just the U.S.) due to the shocks of the pandemic, so didn't result from any specific aspect of U.S. fiscal or monetary policy - and that in the U.S. (more than other countries) wages have also increased, and by more than prices went up."


And still nary a word about Trump's role in the inflation that hit the Country.

In Trump's words, he had the greatest economy in the history of the World. If that is true,
why did he cut taxes, which directly led to more dollars chasing fewer goods, and fewer service-providers???

Trump's ham-fisted bungling of the covid pandemic led to factory shutdowns, worldwide.
When fewer goods are produced, prices are going to rise.Remember the bare grocery shelves under Trump ? Remember the skyrocketing price of toilet paper under Trump ?? Remember the rationing
of toilet paper under Trump ?? I remember all of these things. Yet, to paraphrase Jethro Tull,
Trump just skate,skate, skating away from all blame for his significant contribution to inflation.
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