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Author: AlphaWolf 🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Inheriting a far more dangerous world
Date: 09/24/2024 11:50 AM
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His record in the Middle East is worse. Rather than build on the Abraham Accords he inherited, he tried to ostracize Saudi Arabia and he banned offensive weapons to fight the Houthis.

Huh? With the strong involvement of the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia were on the precipice of signing an agreement normalizing relations between the two countries before the 10/7 terrorist attack. The only ones ostracized were Hamas.

From the start he courted the mullahs in Iran to renew the 2015 nuclear accord that had enriched Iran before Donald Trump withdrew. He refused to enforce oil sanctions, even as Iran spread mayhem through its proxy militias.

How did the withdrawal from the nuclear treaty work out? Iran is funding even more terrorist groups throughout the Middle East AND they’ve continued to develop nuclear weapons.

The U.S. was caught flat-footed when Hamas, aided by Iran, invaded Israel and massacred 1,200 innocents.

Actually, the United States warned Israel about a possible terrorist attack prior to 10/7. Netanyahu ignored it. It was Netanyahu, the person responsible for Israel’s security, that was caught flat-footed.

The author of this article should see a physician immediately regarding their apparent loss of memory.

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