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From Slate's The Surge
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Indeed, “they” (the Surge) do control the weather.
The Georgia congresswoman is getting back to her roots. After spending some time in the past couple of years as a leadership ally who’d urge her allies on the far right to think practically, she’s apparently returned to being a full-bore dimwit. On Thursday night, just after 11—the postin’ hour—Greene tweeted the following: “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.” Reading the post feels like walking into a conversation between two rocks midway through. In the generous reading of this tweet—and the Surge is nothing if not generous—the pronoun they refers to the Democrats, or the establishment, or the deep state, and not the good folks behind the space lasers. And because it came on the heels of a Thursday morning post in which she showed a map of Hurricane Helene’s destructive path over red America and “how hurricane devastation could affect the election,” we know she must be referring to … Democrats controlling Hurricane Helene. So to recap: Hurricane Helene’s unusually widespread devastation had nothing to do with its path over the present-day Jacuzzi that is the Gulf of Mexico, and everything to do with President Biden or one of his minions (Robert Mueller?) pressing the “destroy red America” button. We’re kicking ourselves for not seeing that this is the pivot climate-change denialism would take once the worsening devastation couldn’t be ignored. It’s fascinating to look at the human brain speeding in reverse.
The party of Lincoln has morphed into the party of nutters and looney tunes.