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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: To Be clear
Date: 09/26/2024 10:34 PM
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what do you think should be done with them? Should they all be pardoned, as Trump has said he would do? - Carplan

There is no one punishment for all of them. I see it gradations of criminality, each with its own punishment level.

1. The harshest punishments should go to those who actually injured another person.

2.The next harshest would apply to the instigators and planners and agitators who colluded with others to accomplish the disruption and provided embedded instigators to fan the flames.

3. The next harshest should go to those who committed property damages, vandalism, broken windows, doors and other stuff, stealing property. But no damage to any other human.

4. The least harsh punishment would go to those who had simply followed the crowd and walked around for a while and left when they were told to.

5. No punishment for those who remained outside the capitol and did no harm to people or property.

And within each group there would be varying levels of punishment based on the nature of the specific offense and degree of contrition.

I think there is room for pardons somewhere, more in group 4 and 99% of everybody in group 5.


How do you feel about Trump not doing anything to try to calm the situation for several hours?

He should have condemned what the rioters were doing and told them to go home. Not sure they would have listened but he should have tried.
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