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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Brookfield Corporation (BN)
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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 471 
Subject: Re: baskin NAV
Date: 07/05/2024 10:28 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 2

agree that baskin is promotional, which is why i stated it was unclear who did the actual work for the chart.
10% conglomerate discount is too low for one with almost no chance of seeing a completely independent spin of subs...only a few like warren can get away with that.

i also believe a very large yearly gathering in omaha is a hallmark of promotion. one can find all kinds of overpriced trinkets being sold to a mass with definitive cult-like characteristics. most CEOs are open, or stealth, salesmen. and successful ones have enablers.

that being said, i would strongly consider swapping my BN+BAM clump for BH, depending on relative price:value in the post-warren era.
i can easily see holding BH again as long as i have held BAM (the original).

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