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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Vegas Sun: Trump's Cognitive Decline
Date: 10/30/2024 10:44 PM
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Well, at least one newspaper is talking about DonOLD Trump's brain turning to mush.

At a recent rally in New Hampshire, for example, Trump began to discuss infrastructure and wound up segueing into a disjointed monologue about loyalty and perceived injustices against him, ending with a bewildering comment about windmills causing cancer.

This is not an isolated incident. A recent analysis by The New York Times noted that Trump’s rally speeches over the past eight years have become darker, longer, more profane and increasingly unfocused and unhinged — a troubling sign that he is no longer able to articulate ideas or reason in ways we expect of our leaders. This makes him prey to manipulations by his own staff or, worse, the control of foreign adversaries.

He shambles about aimlessly, slurs his words and sometimes speaks gibberish. Always an effortless liar, now that his speeches are nothing more than a series of lies tangled in a mass inside his head, it appears he no longer even knows he’s lying.

Combine his mush mind with his racism, sexism, xenophobia, corruption, and his physical decline -- anyone see him try to climb into that garbage truck today... he nearly fell on his ass -- and he is the most unfit man to be in contention for the presidency.

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