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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Harris Agrees to Fox 'News' Interview
Date: 10/14/2024 2:24 PM
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As Dementia Don runs like a scared rabbit from "60 Minutes" claiming they're mean to him, vice president Kamala Harris has agreed to sit for an interview with Fox 'News'.

The interview, with Fox News’s chief political anchor, Bret Baier, will take place near Philadelphia on Wednesday, shortly before it airs at 6 p.m. Eastern on Mr. Baier’s program, “Special Report.” Ms. Harris is expected to sit for 25 to 30 minutes of questions, the network said.

This is Ms. Harris’s first formal interview with Fox News, whose day-to-day programming is heavy on conservative punditry that often explicitly supports her Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump.

Often? Umm. Shouldn't that be "always"?

Harris sat for an interview with Roland Martin and The Shade Room, an online entertainment publication, earlier today. On Tuesday, she is set to record a live interview in Detroit with Charlamagne Tha God, host of the syndicated morning radio show “The Breakfast Club.”

Last week, she sat for interviews with “The View,” “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” and “The Howard Stern Show.” She was interviewed by “60 Minutes,” as well. Dementia Don is the only presidential contender in a half-century to fail to sit for a "60 Minutes" interview... because he's afraid.

So much for the "she's hiding" nonsense.

The one who's hiding is Dementia Don.

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