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Author: Umm 🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: unexpected
Date: 08/18/2024 5:38 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 19
"You're not addressing the statement.
The race is close because Harris is avoiding answering questions and attempting to hide her stances. The media is playing along."
- Dope

No one projects like a MAGA bot. It is Trump who is trying to hide his stances on abortion, Project 2025, and radically remaking the federal government. Trump knows the GOP's position on abortion is unpopular, he knows radically remaking the federal government is unpopular, he knows all of the GOP plans with Project 2025 is unpopular. So he is pretending that his stances are different than what would really happen under a Trump administration.

Besides, Harris doesn't really have to formulate any policies. All she has to do is talk about hope and the future and not going back to the past and she will win.

I know you are a member of the cult so you really don't understand just how unpopular Trump really is. There are people who will literally vote for a dead body before voting for Trump. These are not radical leftists I am talking about, these are moderates, independents, and even some Republicans who value country over party. Almost any candidate is going to be able to beat Trump just by not being a corrupt asshole who constantly threatens the institutions that make the country great. Trump is extremely unpopular outside of his cult.

Besides, there is absolutely no reason for Harris to talk about detailed tax policies and such because it doesn't matter what her stances are. At minimum, any tax policy is going to have to pass both the Senate and House that will be very close and very partisan. So why should Harris come up with any specifics when they are meaningless and can only be used against her? That would be a Project 2025 level of stupidity.

So instead she just needs to say things like she will fight for the middle class and if pushed for specifics she can say she won't raise taxes on those making less than $200,000 and push for the childhood tax credit. If that is what it takes for her to win, why shouldn't she do it?
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