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Author: Brickeye 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12790 
Subject: Re: Reading tea leaves
Date: 08/09/2024 3:52 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 17
"There is always a catastrophic medical event or litigious event lurking around the corner that can bankrupt any one of us at any time during our lifetimes, so it is comforting to know that you have enough financial wherewithal to endure that hardship."

As I face the prospect of retirement coming up this is the biggest thing that ways on my mind. This is akin to Warren's financial weapons of mass destruction comment back in 2004. And the main problem- for me at least- is that it makes the US the most unattractive place to retire. Health care costs are insane and it's not just that you have to worry about the costs as you live, you also have to worry about those costs being deducted from your estate. If you end up in the hospital or hospice the last three months of your life that can suck not only an enormous amount of money but also create one huge pain in the rear of your heirs. And then there's the litigious problem! Who know what the hell you could be sued for but in the US there's always something lurking.

I am trying my hardest to get my wife to consider Europe but she's just not having any of it. Having a public option in most countries makes private insurance entirely possible (it's the same here in Hong Kong). You don't have to worry about economic disaster if you get sick and the prospects of law suits are minimal. It's a damn shame because the US is such a great country but healthcare has become a problem that grew way our of control.
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