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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Today's Election College Odds
Date: 07/16/2024 9:41 PM
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I think JD Vance would pose the greatest threat [to] Kamala Harris, in some respects. I mean he's an incredible debater," Etienne told CNN. "I think he has this quality that makes him seem palpable to that one to two percent that actually might vote or that is undecided, that will actually pay attention to the debates because most people don't pay attention to the debates."

I have no doubt that he is a great debater. The hallmark of a great debater is the ability to take any position and argue it with conviction and convince those in attendance of the righteousness of his cause. I was on the debate team in college, our only loss was against a team from Walpole State Prison in Walpole, MA. The topic was “the death penalty” and we were assign “in favor” and the team from Walpole, all convicts in for capital murder was assigned “against.” We debated at the prison, before an audience of inmates, so not truly a fair fight. But I digress.

The reason I am sure Vance is a good debater is because at one time, not so long ago, he said

“I’m a never Trump guy. I never liked him”
“My god, what an idiot”
“Trump is noxious”
“He’s reprehensible”
“He is the next Hitler.”

Heck, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in 2016 saying that “Trump is unfit for the nation’s highest office.”

Of course politics makes strange bedfellows, as the saying goes, but there’s also this:

As recently as 2020 he was praising solar energy and begged for a “clean energy future” to cure the “climate problem in our society.” Now he’s proposing a $7,500 rebate on gas cars and nothing on electrics. By coincidence, the oil lobby has become a large donor to his campaign. It would, it goes without saying be impossible for him to be Trump’s VP pick if he were still advocating solar power and alternate energy ideas. Debate king. Take any position and argue it with conviction.

He has also said he would have done what Mike Pence would not, that is to try to single-handedly nullify the 2020 election results, and point that is both extra-constitutional and sits well with Trump.

He strongly advocated a total abortion ban during his run for the Senate, but now aligns with Trump that perhaps that goes too far. He called Trump’s corporate tax cut “his signature failure” and railed against the attempt to eliminate the Affordable Care Act. Now all those things are groovy.

He loved Mitt Romney’s attack ads which he quoted, saying “ too bad [the] party will do everything except admit that supply-side tax cuts do nothing for its voters.” In 2020 he tweeted that Ronald Reagan caused “the rise of China, the decimation of the American family, and a lot of tax cuts for the rich.”

There’s more. There’s really lots more, but the gist of it all is that Vance holds no positions and all positions as they are convenient. It was convenient to blame the Hillbillies for their own predicament and write a book about how they ought to be pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, but then he needed their votes and went all populist against big corporations and unions, even though he acknowledges that his family wouldn’t have made it without his father’s well-paid union job.

Vance. Second in line. No moral compass at all. Truly terrifying.

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