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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Harris vs Trump on Ukraine, Russia
Date: 09/27/2024 2:47 PM
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So, which of these candidates sounds presidential and which one sounds moronic?


"President Zelenskyy, it's good to see you again. It is our seventh visit together. Welcome back to Washington, D.C. As I have made clear on our six previous meetings and throughout Putin's aggression and war, my support for the people of Ukraine is unwavering. I have been proud to stand with Ukraine, I will continue to stand with Ukraine. And I will work to ensure Ukraine prevails in this war.

To be safe, secure, and prosperous, the United States must continue to fulfill our long standing role of global leadership. We must stand with our allies and our partners. We must defend our democratic values, and stand up to aggressors. And we must stand for international border rules and norms. Each one of these principles is at stake in Ukraine. And that is why Ukraine's fight matters to the people of America. The Ukrainian people are bravely defending their homes and their homeland, their freedom and their democracy, against a brutal dictator. And the American people know well the meaning of freedom. Of independence. And the importance of rule of law. These ideals are central to who we are as Americans. And some of the most important moments in our history have come when we stood up to aggressors like Putin, just as we must today. Indeed, standing with our friends and defending our ideals against tyranny has helped make America the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world.

Putin's aggression is not only an attack on the people of Ukraine, it is also an attack on fundamental principles such as sovereignty and territorial integrity. International rules and norms are not some abstract notion. They provide order and stability in our world. They support American security and American prosperity. And when they are threatened anywhere, they are threatened everywhere. History has shown us, if we allow aggressors like Putin to take land with impunity, they keep going. And Putin could set his sights on Poland, the Baltic states, and other Nato allies. We also know that other would-be aggressors around the world are watching to see what happens in Ukraine. If Putin is allowed to win, they will become emboldened. And history reminds us, and history is so clear in reminding us, the United States cannot and should not isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. Isolation is not insulation.

So then, the united states supports Ukraine, not out of charity, but because it is in our strategic interest.

We will continue to provide the security assistance Ukraine needs to succeed on the battlefield as demonstrated by president Biden's significant announcement earlier today. I've been proud to work alongside president Biden and the 50 nation coalition we have built up to allow Ukraine to defend itself. Thanks to this coalition, and the skill and the bravery of the Ukrainian people, along with your courageous leadership, president Zelenskyy, Ukraine has stood up to Russian aggression and -- to Russian aggression and today Kyiv stands free and strong. President Zelenskyy, I am clear, Putin started this war and he could end it tomorrow. If he simply withdrew his troops from Ukraine's sovereign territory. Of course he has demonstrated no intention of doing that. Instead, he continues to assault civilian infrastructure and terrorize the people of Ukraine. In Switzerland in June, along with 90 other nations at the Ukraine peace conference, I told you that the United States share your vision for the end of the war. An end based on the will of the people of Ukraine and U.N. charter. And that we must work with the international community to secure a just and lasting peace. And I told world leaders there, nothing about the end of this war can be decided without Ukraine.

However, in candor, I share with you, Mr. President, there are some in my country who would instead force Ukraine to give up large parts of its sovereign territory. Who would demand that Ukraine accept you centrality. And would require Ukraine to forgo security relationships with other nations. These proposals are the same of those of Putin.

And let us be clear, they are not proposals for peace. Instead, they are proposals for surrender. Which is dangerous and unacceptable.

So president Zelenskyy, I look forward to our discussion today and I will continue to work with you to ensure Ukraine prevails in this conflict and remains a free, democratic, and independent nation. Welcome back again."

CANDIDATE 2 (in press gaggles; Candidate 2 didn't bother to offer formal remarks):

"[The war] should stop. And the president wants it to stop. And I'm sure president Putin wants it to stop."

"So we have a very good relationship. And I also have a very good relationship, as you know, with president Putin. And I think, ahh, if we win we're going to get it resolved very quickly, very worth. I really think--

ZELENSKYY: "I hope we have more good relations with us."

CANDIDATE 2: "Oh, ha ha, I see. But you know it takes two to tango."

REPORTER: "Do you think Ukraine should turn over some of its own land to Russia to end the war?"

CANDIDATE 2: "We'll see what happens."

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