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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: “Life was better under Trump”
Date: 11/26/2024 8:23 AM
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"I hope you're right about Trump. You really don't want to slow or tank this economy with rapid changes. Ease in. "

Easing In is not the way Trump acts. He is more of "the bull in a china shop".
Trump supporters say that Trump plays 3D Chess, that his statements are just for effect.
But if Trump's business career is studied, he really is a " Ready, Shoot, Aim" type of guy.
He has no impulse control. He will try to run the Country the same way. We all need to
hope there is still a system of checks and balances in place.
And Trump and his supporters need to be held accountable for what comes. If he is somehow
successful, then they can sing his praises to the high heavens. But if he fails, he needs to
be publicly castrated for it ( metaphorically ). Trump has been telling us all how great he
is, for the last 8 years +. So he need to live up to his boastful, arrogant claims of greatness.
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