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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Georgia election board
Date: 09/20/2024 11:39 PM
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Proponents argue that requiring hand counting, in addition to a machine count, could identify discrepancies that must be addressed. And when the counts match year after year, the skepticism will subside and confidence slowly is restored.

SNIP A hand count makes it much easier to doubt the results: This new rule will require workers to open secured boxes of ballots and start counting them on election night or early the next day, raising the potential to misplace or even lose some, warned Gowri Ramachandra, the director of elections and security at the Brennan Center. “There’s a real fear you have partisans try to sow chaos from these small things,” she said.

Election experts stress that endless audits don’t instill confidence in the democratic process; instead they allow bad actors to try to raise endless questions — much like Trump did last time in the state. He’s facing charges in Georgia of allegedly interfering in the 2020 election after three different recounts in the state confirmed he lost it. SNIP WaPo

So it's just the opposite Mike, per the experts.
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