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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 598 
Subject: Re: TIPS?
Date: 03/05/2025 2:47 PM
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I remember on TMF that came up. I originally read about it on "retireearlyhomepage", and since the author posted on TMF, I asked him. He said at the time he wrote on his blog that TIPS were useful, and he was utilizing them. But they had since lost much of their advantage, so he wasn't using them anymore.

Frankly, with all the chaos and questionable finance policy due to the Felon, I wouldn't invest in anything tied to the US government. Not bonds, TIPS, or nothin'. The Felon and Musk (and their various cronies) are too erratic and unpredictable. They could decide that they're canceling all the bonds**, and "sucks to be you, we're keeping the money".

Does Canada or Switzerland have an equivalent? They seem more stable for the moment.

**Highly unlikely, and it would probably be overturned in the courts...but that could take years.
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