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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: America's Ruled by Gangsters
Date: 03/02/2025 9:48 AM
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"The MAGA apparatchiks are out in full force on social media, bellowing “America First!!”,"

"But deep down, everyone who isn’t fully in the tank for Trump knows that this was a dark moment in American history."

"It’s now clear that the U.S. has chosen a set of leaders who are deeply immoral, and who cannot be expected to obey any norms of common decency.

U.S. foreign policy has changed dramatically from what it was from 1945 to 2024; the U.S. is now effectively a gangster state. It’s not clear whether this can ever durably revert back to the way it was.

Trump’s meeting with Zelensky also emphasizes how clumsy his administration is, and how they’ve already started making mistakes."


some other good stuff in there.

I haven't read a lot of his stuff, but I admit I'm surprised that anybody is surprised
that Trump is an amoral POS. It's not like he hasn't made it very clear who he is over
the years.
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