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Author: mechinv   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Speaking of men
Date: 11/02/2024 3:46 AM
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If you voted for Bill Clinton...

I voted for Clinton in 1992 and 1996. If news had come out in '92 or'96 that Clinton had bragged about sexually assaulting women("grabbing them by the ...") or had been found guilty of raping a woman, I would most definitely NOT have voted for him. The vast majority of Democrats would have been disgusted and not have voted for him either.

News about the Monica Lewinsky affair broke in 1998, after people had already voted for him twice and elected him. And that affair was consensual, not sexual assault. The disgusting thing about the MAGA cult is that they know Trump is an adjudicated rapist (he was found guilty of raping E Jean Carroll), know that he bragged about sexual assault, and still vote for him. You can't compare what voters knew about Clinton when they voted for him, to what voters know about Trump and choose to ignore when they vote for him now. The MAGA voters are essentially saying, sure, we'll ignore your rape conviction and your business records falsification conviction as long as you hate the same minorities we do.

But, I do thank you for coming over to the Bush-Cheney side.

You got this totally wrong. We Democrats have not gone over to the Bush/Cheney side. Bush/Cheney have come over to our side. If that persuades some Republicans to vote for Harris/Walz, that's fine with us. We know very well that Dubya was one of the worst, most incompetent Presidents ever.
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