No. of Recommendations: 21
'Ask the democrats, who did everything in their power to effectively cancel the 2016 election and distract the sitting President such that the people who really run the government - non-Senate appointed department chairs and mid-level career bureaucrats - could keep on keeping on absent the directives of a President they personally loathed and weren't about to take orders from." - Dope.
Dope is engaging in his usual dishonesty.
The Democrats didn't storm the Capital and try and overturn the 2016 election. They didn't try and submit a false slate of electors implying they won the 2016 election. You saying that they did everything in their power to effectively cancel the 2016 election is flat out wrong. So wrong that only a dishonest person would say it.
You try and conflate political opposition with illegal behavior. Sure, after 2016 the Democrats opposed Trump. They did everything in their legal power to oppose him. However that is no different than in 2008 when Republicans did everything in their legal power to oppose Obama. Or in 2000 when Democrats did everything in their power to oppose Bush.
You are dishonestly trying to conflate political opposition to illegal behavior (all while ignoring your own political opposition).
Sop being an asshole and do better.
"In this thread you folks are trying to create a scenario where only Trump supporters are guilty of Election Interference and Denialism and tie it back to "misinformation" or some such. What you're ignoring are the years 2017-2020, where we saw what a real attempt to overthrow a government looked like."
Again, to believe what you believe requires either delusion or dishonesty. Stop being an asshole. Do better.
"Not some riot, not some protest gone bad. This was an active conspiracy theory on the part of a failed Presidential Candidate, Congressional democrats and Deep State holdovers upset at the changing of the guard. Every one of these people violated their oaths of office and took the country down a dark path fueled by lies and misinformation. Kind of ironic that democrats today are accusing Republicans of only consuming...misinformation."
Nobody does unintentional irony like a nutter. There is only one president with a well documented history of using the apparatus of the state to attack their political opponents. You might want to ignore the mountains of evidence showing this, but that doesn't change the fact. It just makes you willfully to ignore the obvious.
Again, stop being an asshole and do better.
"And I'll still note that no one's contesting the fact that a Trump win == left wing riots."
One of the reasons you constantly get laughed at is your ability to willingly look like a fool and ignore the obvious and to project your own failures on to your opponents. There is only one CULT that has rioted over the transition of power. The one you belong to.
Again, stop being an asshole and do better.
Now I know that if you read this you would whine about insults and such (all while ignoring your own insulting behavior), but we have gotten beyond the point of insults mattering. It is far past the point where people treat you politely while you constantly insult them by lying to their face and dishonestly ignore the obvious. Time to call it like it is.
Grow up, stop being an asshole and do better. Stop destroying this country with your ignorance and dishonesty.