No. of Recommendations: 7
HEE HEE then the snobs wonder why they are reduced to begging for Roe v Wade and have a 7-2 court :)How's that incel life working out for you? You seem happy and well-adjusted...
And about that controlling women's healthcare thing...
The Red State of Texas has one of the nation's most restrictive abortion laws, they completely control women's bodies and their lives.
Under Texas law, abortions are prohibited in almost all cases, including rape and incest, and are allowed only to save the life of the pregnant person.
Texas is among the 9 states with total abortion bans that lack exceptions for rape or incest.
Texas has had 26,313 rape-caused pregnancies during the 16 months after implementing a near-total abortion ban following the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022.
This is your heartless/brainless Republican Party, folks. They’ll force a twelve-year-old to give birth to her stepfather’s rape-baby, and tell you that's freedom!
They'll tell you who you can marry, and tell you that's freedom!
They'll tell you what books you can read, and tell you that's freedom!
They'll prevent you and your family from getting healthcare, and tell you that's freedom!
They'll weaken labor protections and union rights, which is why folks in red states earn less than folks in blue states, and tell you that's freedom! The sweet freedom to be poor! MAGA!
"As the 21st century began...human evolution was at a turning began to simply reward those who reproduced the most...and left the intelligent to become an endangered species." ~Idiocracy