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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41582 
Subject: Maduro
Date: 09/07/2024 8:26 PM
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Maduro has insisted he won the election in Venezuela, when the estimates are that he got 20-30% of the votes, with voting data not made available. Argentina took the lead yesterday and requested the ICC issue an arrest request for Maduro for crimes against humanity(killing 23 protesters etc.). Venezuela revoked Brazil's representation of Argentina which places 6 anti government Venezuelans who ran the successful campaign against Maduro at risk who are holed up in the Argentinian ambassador's residence - military vehicles stationed just outside the residence.

So we may get to see the arrest and imprisonment of those who ran campaigns against him. Watch for this.

Magalli Meda, the former campaign chief of opposition leader María Corina Machado, was among a half-dozen government opponents who fled to the Argentina ambassador’s residence after Maduro’s chief prosecutor issued an order for her arrest in March for allegedly propagating destabilizing political violence. SNIP

Both Brazil and Argentina (and other countries) do not recognize Maduro as the winner of the election.
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