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- Manlobbi
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No. of Recommendations: 3
Aaron Rupar of Public Notice, who watches and clips Trump’s speeches, called the appearance “bonkers.” Journalist David Rothkopf of Deep State Radio wrote: “The past 24 hours seem to have been a dividing line in the Trump campaign...and in Trump. He went from being periodically adrift and sporadically demented to being 24/7 unfit and in need of permanent medical attention. He's one cloudless night away from baying at the moon.”
By now, every Republican except the dullest tools in the shed have figured out that Trump is not capable or desired as president.
And the sharpest tools among them will do something about it if Trump is elected.
Of course, after braying at the Democrats for “pushing Biden aside”.(He voluntarily stopped aside and is campaigning for Harris), they’ve got a problem.
If he’s elected, I would suggest to Donald Trump that he employ a taster.
Of course they could also shoot him and blame it on the Democrats. They do seem to be exploring the believability of this option right now. In fact, JD Vance, on several occasions, has accused Democrats of attempting just that.
No. of Recommendations: 3
He's one cloudless night away from baying at the moon.
(Writing that down soemwhere to save for future use...)
No. of Recommendations: 0
I've seen some speculation that as soon as the convict is sworn-in, they'll invoke the 25th Amendment. Which is plausible, and would probably work. The convict genuinely is incapable and unable to perform the duties.
The question is whether Dems would go along with it (at least some would likely have to). Vance is a nightmare in terms of policy, but I don't think he is incompetent. And he certainly doesn't have dementia. It could be argued that the convict needed to be removed for the good of the country, even if someone like Vance then steps in.
No. of Recommendations: 1
I've seen some speculation that as soon as the convict is sworn-in, they'll invoke the 25th Amendment.
I'm very skeptical of this happening, as needed as it might be.
They will probably just try to get him to shut up and let Vance run things. Or maybe they'll just let the madness play out. For the hordes of soul-less schemers that surround Trump there may be opportunities for gain, and the oligarch class will, of course, do very well.
No. of Recommendations: 9
The question is whether Dems would go along with it (at least some would likely have to).
The 25th amendment requires 15 cabinet members to remove a president. Highly unlikely any Democrats would be in a Republican cabinet.
Also highly unlikely you can find 15 Republicans to remove Trump regardless how demented he becomes. Any Republican in a Trump cabinet would be a spineless sycophant living in mortal fear of his rabid cult.
No. of Recommendations: 1
The "try to get him to shut up" is a non-starter. No one can get the convict to shut up, even the judges overseeing his trials. He is incapable of shutting up. So they'll have to try to remove him if they want Vance in control. That, or "let the madness play out". The most legal way to remove him is the 25th Amendment.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Oh, yeah...I was thinking impeachment. With cabinet members, it would be a no-go. Unless they could trick the convict to appoint people who would turn on him. Which is doable. He has no patience with the work of governing, and so would go with whomever was suggested to him by some right-wing think tank. So, if they are planning ahead, they might be able to pull it off.
No. of Recommendations: 0
>>I've seen some speculation that as soon as the convict is sworn-in, they'll invoke the 25th Amendment.<<
I'm very skeptical of this happening, as needed as it might be.
They will probably just try to get him to shut up and let Vance run things. Or maybe they'll just let the madness play out. For the hordes of soul-less schemers that surround Trump there may be opportunities for gain, and the oligarch class will, of course, do very well. - ges
Who exactly is "they"?
No. of Recommendations: 0
Also highly unlikely you can find 15 Republicans to remove Trump regardless how demented he becomes. Any Republican in a Trump cabinet would be a spineless sycophant living in mortal fear of his rabid cult.
So they’ll simply shoot him and blame it on the Democrats.
There is absolutely no way that his inner circle will put up with his insanity, and they can’t remove him after cheering him on.
He’s a dead man walking, and if he is elected, get ready for a “Weekend With Bernie”, followed by a righteous pogrom against Democrats.
No. of Recommendations: 1
There is absolutely no way that his inner circle will put up with his insanity
I think you are wrong.
Not only will they put up with it, he will be lionized by the RW media and compared to Saint Ronnie.
No. of Recommendations: 1
I think you are wrong.
You could be right.
But I don’t think the agenda of the current Republican Party will be advanced by a sundowning grandpa swaying to the music for 39 minutes.
He can’t even defend his own agenda without looking like a complete fascist fool.
His supporters are in line with his agenda (as explained by Vance) but sundowning Trump can no longer carry tbe torch without looking like a complete fool.
No mercy there.
They’re gonna kill him and blame it on the Dems.
Man, have I gone out on a limb, or what?
No. of Recommendations: 2
But I don’t think the agenda of the current Republican Party will be advanced by a sundowning grandpa swaying to the music for 39 minutes.
LOL. So you people *really do think* that's what happened.
No. of Recommendations: 0
But I don’t think the agenda of the current Republican Party will be advanced by a sundowning grandpa swaying to the music for 39 minutes.
What Republican Party? It really doesn't exist anymore.
Trump has replaced it with something grotesque and un-American. A political cult.
No. of Recommendations: 1
LOL. So you people *really do think* that's what happened.
Watch the 39 minute long video and you tell me.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Who exactly is "they"?
Occasionally, I see Democrats resorting to the horrible "they"
But Republicans have raised "they" to an art form. They can control the weather, you know?